Saturday, December 27, 2008

The definitive way to know your date is a douchebag...

Imagine you're out on a date with a guy who's really great. Good conversationalist, nice guy, probably funny.

Then you get to the restaurant where he unbuttons his coat to reveal an Ed Hardy tee. It's pretty shocking. He doesn't have spiky hair or a raised truck. So you tell yourself that you can "educate" him in the ways of fashion. He seems open-minded enough, after all.

After making sure that you don't know anyone in the restaurant that could out you for being on a date with Ed Hardy guy, you decide to put it out of your mind and you end up having a great time.

One thing leads to another, you end up back at his place drinking way too much wine. Your head is a little woozy, you're carried away by the evening, he leads you to his bedroom.

The light flickers on and you see THIS:

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