Monday, August 18, 2008

Man Accessories, Vol I

Puka Shelled Necklaces...vomit. (I know these are outdated, but they're totally relevant, and guys are still wearing them.)

Ease up. Man accessories should be kept to a very select, very specific set. Don't drift into idiot water. Keep the puka at home, actually throw it away. Or maybe hemp gear is just as bad - yeah, it's worse. If you wear a necklace, wear it long and don't choke yourself. Don't be that dumbass Jersey Shore guy with buff, tanned jock pecktits sporting a popped collar polo and a puka shell necklace. Just don't do it.



no stress jess said...

Welcome to The OC Bitch!

sugar grams said...

I saw a man in one of these numbers at the grocery store yesterday. It lives on!