Friday, August 22, 2008

the ubiquitous hip hop prop; track 1

For those of you keen on hip hop these days, particularly that of the cheesy varietals, perhaps you’ve noticed a flurry of accessorizing. It seems that years ago every time I come around yo city, “bling bling” was the only accessory we’d see these hip hoppers wearing. Crossing the line at the time would mean wearing bling in your teeth. However, these days, hip hop accessories have expanded into some other level s***. Omnipresent in music videos, stage performances, interviews and frankly, ornamenting their every day lives, now hip hop accessories have become outright PROPS!

This is the first entry for a recurring column at MARF, which touches a soft spot in my heart. Although the ladies have some amazing props of their own, we’ll keep to the theme of the blog and focus on the straight male hip hopper and his props. Hip hoppers on the Down Low are fair game.

Behold, members of the famed Three Six Mafia. I thought I’d begin with the amazing bracelets these two wear on the daily, straight out of a He-Man cartoon. However, after watching their new video for “That’s Right, " to my delight I see homeboy dancing around the video waving an empty gasoline can. Man he looks hard! I suppose winning an Oscar has gone way to these boys’ heads. Seriously homey, don’t play that.


sugar grams said...

can you store sizzurp in a gas can?

dltxii said...

Three 6 Mafia is actually good. Heard their music? At least they wear "weird" clothing and have unique style unlike every other hip hopper...

no stress jess said...

Don't hate the player, hate the game.